Poser World 3D Figure Club

Create a New Account



Upon registering you will receive a confirmation email. You must click the link in the email to become registered at Poser World.


After registering go to the membership page and grab an unlimited downloads membership and then you can download as many items as you wish.

You may also wish to visit our downloads membership info page or frequently asked questions page.


All of the 3D content available for download on Poser World Member Club Site is created by the staff of Poser World.  There are over 3,100 items available for download.


WE SUGGEST that you use a gmail.com, hotmail.com, etc. email addresses when registering for Poser World and not your ISP email address to ensure that you can retrieve lost passwords, etc. from Poser World.


The User ID on the form below will be your nickname on the website.

